Corpus Christi Fishing Reports

Wondering how the fishing is in Corpus Christi right now? We've got your latest fishing reports for in and and around Corpus Christi, Texas from local anglers and professional fishing guides. Plus up-to-date weather reports, including temperature forecasts, wind speed, humidity, and more.

Fishing is huge down here in Corpus Christi! As of 2020, it’s the second most popular outdoor activity in the United States! That’s why we started Saltwater Angler Magazine, to help anglers from all over the world stay up to date on what’s happening in the Gulf Coast fishing world. And if you don’t get to fish as much as you’d like, we have plenty of photos and fishing reports for Corpus Christi and other areas like Port Aransas and Rockport.

View the Latest Fishing Reports in the Gulf Coast

March 1, 2025

Vol. 31 No. 3

Jonathan Espinosa

6.25 lb Trout on King Ranch Shoreline

Jonathan Espinosa with a 6.25 lb trout while wade fishing on the King Ranch Shoreline – caught on a Coastalbrew Baits new color (The Purpetrator)

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Submit Your Fishing Reports

Been fishing in and around Corpus Christi lately? We'd love to feature your fishing reports. Contact us here if you're interested in adding to our Corpus Christi Fishing Reports, or you'd like to contribute to location.

Conventional Fishing Reports - Corpus Christi Area

   Well if you read my previous article, you know I haven’t been running trips. I have been following the recommendations of our state and city officials. And I will continue doing my part to help stop the spread of this virus, so we can get back to living life in a non-social way.

Things are going well here on the river, where the catfish are biting and our fish fries have been amazing. We have been using limb lines, throw lines, and using Zote Soap and cut buffalo for bait.
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Report by Capt. John Little

Capt. John Little graduated from East Central High School in San Antonio and decided to hit the water the quickest way he knew how, at 17 years old he joined the United States Coast Guard. In 2008 he decided to chase his passion and obtained his United States Coast Guard Merchant Mariners License so he could share his passion for the outdoors with clients.

PINS Surf Report - Padre Island National Seashore

   Looks like we are finally finished with the springtime wind pattern, so summer fishing is upon us. This is by far my favorite time of year for fishing the surf on our National Seashore. A steady southeast breeze provides consistent conditions in the surf zone, and has already made for some epic charters.
Read Jeff's latest Texas surf report...

PINS Surf Report by Capt. Jeff Wolda

Capt. Jeff Wolda is a fishing guide offering light tackle surf fishing from the shores of Padre Island National Seashore, including day and overnight fishing trips, and birding and beach combing charters.

Corpus Christi / Aransas / Rockport / Fulton

   The stars at night are big and bright, (clap, clap, clap, clap), deep in the heart of Texas! Isn't that the truth. And, the perfect way to see those brighly shining beacons of light is by getting on the water for some nighttime fishing. Cooler temperatures, calmer winds, and your daytime honey hole is now transformed into a whole new arena for battling fish.
Read Matt's latest fishing report

Fishing Report by Matt Murphy

Hobie Fishing Team | Austin Kayak Fishing Team | Writer | Hunter | Fishermen | Proud Texan
Contributor: #saltwateranglermagazine

Fly Fishing Reports - Corpus Christi & Port Aransas

Don Alcala Fly fishing for redfish in Corpus Christi
Chris Lancaster Fly fishing for redfish in Corpus Christi

   I feel the most over looked aspect of my articles is leader and tippet materials. I usually give a general length and breaking strength, but I don’t go into any detail why I am using said leader in whatever situation. This article is going to go into a little more depth about how, when and why we use the leaders we use, and I’ll break it down by fishing the flats as well as the surf and jetty.
Read Don's latest saltwater fly fishing article...

Fly Fishing Report by Don Alcala

Don Alcala is President of the Corpus Christi Fly Fishers and manages the fly shop at Roy's Bait and Tackle Outfitters. He also offers private fly casting lessons, and free fly casting instruction on the 1st Saturday of every month with the Corpus Christi Fly Fishers.

Fly fishing guide in Corpus Christi
Port Aransas fly fishing guides
Fly fishing for redfish in Corpus Christi

   Oftentimes, I get asked, “What tides are best? What are your favorite water temps? What is your favorite time of year to fish?” And I always tell them, “Right NOW!” (they’re usually already on the boat with me) and that is true for several reasons. Now is your time to fish, Now is the time you have put aside to do some fly fishing, and NOW is where we are, doing what we are doing! The best time to go fishing is when...
Read more south Texas fly fishing reports...

Report by Fly Fishing Guide Capt. Ken Jones

Captain Ken Jones is a fly fishing guide based in Port Aransas, Texas. Capt. Ken is a native Texan and has been fly fishing for over 20 years, pursuing many variety of species everywhere he travels and with no end in sight.